Educational Outreach
The EWB-USA Portland Maine Professional Chapter supports other student & professional EWB-USA chapters. We participate in STEM activities at local schools and Portland’s annual STEM Expo to educate kids on what engineering is!
Classroom Outreach
EWB-PMP Member Matt Reynolds talks to Portland High School students about the opportunities in engineering. When the students see real life applications in the sciences they are studying it generates lasting interest.
STEM Expo at Portland Schools
EWB-PMP members attend the STEM Expo hosted by Portland Public Schools in 2019. Students compete for the longest time holding a 5 gallon bucket of water, emphasizing the need for all communities to have equitable and convenient access to clean water.
Student & Professional Chapter Outreach
EWB-PMP provides mentoring to the Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) University of Maine Chapter and has worked with several other EWB student chapters including Trinity College, the University of Hartford, Drexel University, Harvard University, Northeastern University, Boston University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Pennsylvania State to support drilling efforts on their projects. Although these student chapters have professional chapters in their respective states, they have specifically reached out to EWB-PMP because in addition to engineers, we have three registered geologists with significant expertise in the siting, design, and construction of potable water wells. In addition to our outreach to EWB chapters, the EWB-PMP Chapter has done outreach to local Portland Schools.attending STEM Expos teaching young students about engineering.
EWB-PMP Geologists worked with the Northeastern University Student Chapter for the drilling phase of their water system in Uganda.
In addition to potable well design support, our geologists have also
– filmed virtual EWB-USA classes
– presented at local chapter meetings
– recorded presentations for EWB-USA national conferences
– provided drilling demos from local licensed drillers
– staffed office hours at EWB-USA.org.
EWB-PMP geologists have also worked jointly with other professional chapters including the Hartford and New Haven Professional Chapters most recently on projects in Tanzania and Nicaragua, respectively.
For information on the University of Maine student chapter of Engineers for a Sustainable World, please visit EWB-UMaine.